craft-a-thon, day 2
today did not consist of much crafting. instead, i spent the afternoon at the fair with holly & alicia. a very good use of the time! :) we had a lot of fun. and i think i'm now thoroughly convinced that fried fair food is not good for me. no matter how good it sounds/smells/tastes ... after 2 minutes it's just a lump in my stomach. that's a good thing to learn, right?
i did squeak out a couple pieces of jewelery after we got back tonight. but mostly i spent time trying to decide how to make my t-shirt quilt. keep in mind, this quilt has NOTHING to do with the popcorn fest ... but i'm suddenly very intent on making it. it shouldn't take more than two or three evenings to complete, but i probably shouldn't be doing that with the popcorn fest so close. regardless, i've made a shopping list & plan to go out tomorrow to pick up some supplies. first i need to decide if i want to sash the squares (i think i do), if i want all big squares or some small squares as a border (if i border it i can use the sleeves, some of which are pretty cool), what size the squares should be ... you know, all the important stuff. i'll keep you posted if i start hacking things up & sewing 'em together. :)
and check this out: i decided to unplug the router & plug it back in ... i've gotten a great wireless internet signal ever since. crazy, huh?
Labels: jewelry, popcorn festival
computers are mysterious to everyone. I have a CS and EE degree, and I can't make my internet any more consistent than by doing the exact same thing.
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